This is an important teaching of the Gospel today. If Christ did not rise from the dead, establishing a precedent for our bodies after we die, then everything we’ve been taught is garbage. So, yes, we are going to have our bodies, yet these bodies will not be our current physical bodies which break, decay and die, but resurrected bodies that are imperishable. 1 Corinthians 15:50
Yes, everyone will be resurrected. Everyone will receive an eternal body.
When the women and the apostles came to the grave of Jesus Christ,
they found His body was gone. Where was it?
It had been resurrected.
When Jesus appeared to over 500 people to show them that He had
been resurrected, He came to show all of us what kind of bodies we would have
in heaven.
These resurrected bodies are physical in the sense that you can
touch, feel, and sense them, yet they are eternal. They look like us yet they
are the perfect, eternal version of ourselves.
Jesus walked around for forty days with his resurrected body to
show everyone what the future holds. We
will all be resurrected one day. Just have
However, not everyone who is resurrected will be in heaven.
“Then they will go away to eternal
punishment, but the righteous to eternal life.” Matthew 25:46
will take that new body to heaven and some to hell.
(Read 1
Corinthians 15 for a complete description of the resurrection)