When God created Adam
he gave him a job – name all the animals.
After Eve was created, God told them to tend to the garden and take care
of it. After sin, God told Adam that his
job in the garden would get much tougher, fighting weeds and thorns.
So will we work in
heaven? It appears so. We think paradise is not working, an eternal
vacation, but many of us get itchy when we don’t work after a couple weeks. Work gives us purpose, fulfillment and
accomplishment. We were made to like
those feelings because those are godly feelings.
God also made us with
certain skill sets and passions. Writers
like to writer. Builders build. Athletes compete. Explorers explore. Managers manage and so on.
If heaven is described
as a city without lots of activity going on, then yes, why couldn’t we work? Why couldn’t we have jobs for the betterment
of the heavenly community, doing our part?
If all we did in
heaven was sing, then only the musicians would feel fulfilled performing at
eternal concerts (or they would be very tired).
A farmer can praise
God raising corn. An actor can praise
God performing a scene. A brick layer
lays brick. Sewers sew.
But if there is no
money in heaven, what will the bankers do?
If there is no sin, what about policemen? With no enemies, do we need soldiers?
Not everyone likes to
do one thing. A banker may like
gardening or a policeman likes to dance (I would love to see that). Everyone has more than one passion and we
could have an opportunity to express it.