farmer understood this idea clearly. If a
farmer planted a seed of corn, a corn stalk would grow up. If he planted lots of corn seeds, lots of
corn stalks would grow up.
The reap/sow concept is
an if/then principal. IF I do this, THEN
this will happen. Paul in Galatians used
this to say IF you please the flesh, THEN you reap destruction. IF you please
the spirit, THEN you will get life.
We will reap the consequences
of our sinful behavior, but for how long will that happen? God mercifully in the Bible punished Israel
for the consequences of their sinful behavior, but he always promised
compassion down the road. The
seriousness of our sin determines the lasting consequences. Our faithfulness and honest repentance can turn
the consequences around.
Some consequences are
inevitable. Some consequences are
determined by God. God will not give you
more than you can handle, but he always wants us to learn a lesson to become
more faithful and obedient.