“I will punish you according to what you have done—
this is the Lord’s declaration.
I will kindle a fire in your forest
that will consume everything around it.” Jeremiah 21:14
that’s called “justice.” Justice is punishment equal to the crime.
God punished us more than our deeds deserved, that would be injustice.
God punished us less than our deeds deserved, that would be injustice.
our sins require a punishment a death, that’s the standard established in
Genesis 3. Just one sin equals death. The fact that God
allows us to live to commit another sin and another sin and another sin is
grace. He delays the punishment to allow us the opportunity to find
God must punish us or allow someone to take on the punishment we
deserve. That’s where Jesus enters and dies for our
sin. Justice occurs when someone takes on the punishment equal to
the crime. Our sin requires death and Jesus died for us all.
fair in the justice system. We should be speechless that God allows
us to live and allowed His Son to die for us.