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Who is the angel Michael?
How are angels facing resistance to answer prayers?
What’s the meaning of “seven” in the Bible?
What is the meaning of the ram and goat vision?
How could a leader take away the daily sacrifice in Daniel?
What do the horns mean in these visions?
Who is this “son of man” Daniel saw?
Why do so many biblical dreams contain animals in them?
Should we defy the government as Christians?
Why did drinking from those goblets make God so angry in Daniel 5?
Are these “wise men” in Daniel the same who found Jesus?
What caused King Nebuchadnezzar to go insane?
Who was the fourth man walking around in the fire?
Why doesn’t God save everyone from blazing furnaces?
Did King Nebuchadnezzar truly believe in God?
Why would the king’s food defile Daniel and his friends?
Why did the Babylonians choose handsome, smart men for the king’s service?
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