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Why would God allow His nation to be taken over by bad people?
Why did God put Judah into exile for seventy years?
Why do the people in the Bible always look back at Israel’s history?
Why would Nehemiah spend a whole chapter describing the building project in Nehemiah 3?
Why did the walls of Jerusalem point to the disgrace of the city?
Why did Jerusalem’s gates have names like Valley, Dung, Fountain?
What is the Lake of Gennesaret?
When was the temple destroyed?
Why did God choose Israel to be their God?
Could people marry outside their tribes in the Old Testament?
Why did the Israelites wander the desert for 40 years?
Is Israel still considered “God’s people”?
Why were the ten nations of Israel wrong to split from the two nations of Judah?
Why would God want to dwell in an earthly temple?
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