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Why would God allow His nation to be taken over by bad people?
How did the people know if someone was a prophet?
Is false hope better than no hope at all?
Why did God put Judah into exile for seventy years?
Why did Jesus curse the fig tree?
How is Jesus the “righteous branch”?
Is God against building massive houses and palaces?
How can I love a God who is against me?
Is it okay to wish you weren’t born?
What is Topheth?
Does God plan disasters for us?
Does God give me what I deserve according to my deeds?
Why would God tell people not to marry?
Does God not want us to pray for some people?
Why would God use a belt to make a point to Jeremiah?
Today, how do “shepherds” ruin the church?
Does God sometimes not listen to our prayers?
Do we have freewill or does God direct our steps?
Is everyone a liar?
What is the balm in Gilead?
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