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Do we still have to tithe?
Does God punish us?
Is giving the land a year’s rest a good idea?
Isn’t stoning people for blasphemy a little harsh?
Why did God require sacrifices without defect?
Does God despise handicap and disfigured people?
Can a priest/pastor be divorced?
Why is a woman’s menstruation considered unclean?
Why is cursing one’s parents a sin (suitable for death)?
Is it wrong to get a tattoo?
Why is mating different animals a sin or mixing fields and clothing material?
Is homosexuality a sin?
Why is the Bible so specific about family sexual relations?
How did people “eat” blood?
Where does the term scapegoat come from?
Discharges, semen and women’s periods. Why is the Bible talking about this?
What is a wave offering?
Why was God concerned about mold?
Why is God so concerned with skin diseases?
Why was a woman who just gave birth unclean?
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