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Why do some churches use snakes and poison?
Why did people add material to the Gospels over time?
Why did people bring spices to anoint a dead body?
Why did the centurion at the cross believe in Jesus?
Why was Jesus mocked, as if crucifixion wasn’t bad enough?
Why did the Bible record the Barabbas incident?
Why did Jesus say he was king of the Jews?
Why did Jesus not answer his accusers?
Why did Judas betray with a kiss?
What does Communion signify?
Did Jesus pray that he wouldn’t be crucified?
What is the abomination that causes desolation?
Must the Gospel be preached to the whole world before Jesus comes back?
When was the temple destroyed?
Does God want me to give sacrificially?
How could Jesus be the son of God?
Why are those two commandments the greatest?
Will I be married to my spouse in heaven?
Did Jesus believe in the separation of church and state?
Will I receive whatever I ask for in prayer?
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