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Why did Jesus curse the fig tree?
Why in Nehemiah was completing the wall in 52 days a “God thing”?
How did the apostles know it was Moses and Elijah when they appeared at the Transfiguration?
Why was the woman bleeding for twelve years?
Why were there leftovers after the feeding of the 5,000?
Why was John the Baptist born so miraculously?
Why would Jesus put the tax money in a fish’s mouth?
When Jesus fed the 4,000, why didn’t the apostles remember the feeding of 5,000?
Was the little girl Jesus brought to life resurrected?
Why would the people want Jesus out of town after doing an incredible miracle?
Were there two demon-possessed men or only one at Gerasenes?
Is God willing to heal me?
Are all people with seizures demon possessed?
At the second miraculous feeding, why didn’t the disciples remember the first feeding?
When walking on water, why was Jesus about to pass his friends in the boat?
Besides the resurrection, what other miracle is in every Gospel?
How was healing on the Sabbath considered “work”?
Why did Jesus spit on a blind man’s eyes?
Does God magically transport people to other places?
Can donkeys talk?
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