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What’s the big deal with someone staying in the temple?
Isn’t keeping people out of the temple racism?
Why list the names of all the guilty priests in Ezra?
Why was it so important to have Levites when rebuilding Jerusalem?
Why would some people not want the temple built in Ezra?
Why was this so emotional for people to see the foundation laid for the temple?
Why start construction on the temple with the altar first?
Why did Cyrus release all the articles from the temple?
What does Communion signify?
When was the temple destroyed?
Why would God detest our sacrifices?
What’s the difference between an offering and a tribute?
What is the Festival of Weeks?
Where do they get a red heifer from?
Where did the tithe go to in the Old Testament?
Why did the people redeem the firstborn animals?
Why did the priests eat the offerings?
Why was the budding of Aaron’s staff important?
Why did the Levites need to shave their bodies?
What were the jobs of the Gershonite, Merarite and Kohathite clans?
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