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Why do some churches use snakes and poison?
Doesn’t the Bible support the baptism of the dead?
What’s the difference between a Pharisee and Sadducee?
What was the Synagogue of the Freedmen?
Can a woman be a deacon?
Why do we go to church?
What are the signs of a false religion?
How could people sacrifice their children in fire?
Should we build magnificent churches when we could give the money to other causes?
Are bad preachers a good thing for the gospel?
Today, how do “shepherds” ruin the church?
Did the people of Jeremiah’s time worship a Queen of Heaven?
Why do some preachers handle snakes?
What's the difference between a psychic, a medium and a clairvoyant?
What is the difference between Catholic, Christian, Lutheran, Hinduism, Muslim?
Did different religions come from the Tower of Babel?
Why shouldn’t religion be involved in politics? Is religion the problem?
Why do other people assume other religions are wrong?
Where did Christianity come from?
I'm a religious person...isn't that enough?
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