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Is it fair that God punishes us according to our deeds?
Does God give me what I deserve according to my deeds?
Is everyone a liar?
Did the people of Jeremiah’s time worship a Queen of Heaven?
Why did people put on sackcloth and roll in ashes?
Why should God forgive us?
Are you more guilty of a sin if you witness the consequences and still do it?
Is marrying foreign women still a problem today?
Should we beat, curse and pull out people’s hair today if they disobey God?
Why does God not punish us like we deserve?
Does it matter if I confess the sins of my people?
When did Pilate mix the blood of Galileans with their sacrifices?
How is my eye the lamp of my body?
What was wrong with tax collectors?
How do you fight temptation?
Was Mary perfect and sinless?
Is there a reason Peter denied Christ three times?
Is there any sin that cannot be forgiven?
How could a whole town face judgment for rejecting Jesus?
Is worry sin?
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